Custom Software Development Solutions for Businesses

Software Development

Targeting an Audience

finding your target audience

Every organization with an online/offline community presence has a key audience to reach. Although the concept is fundamental in business, many companies miss the mark when it comes to pursuing that market. Targeting an audience isn’t just about developing personas or putting demographic characteristics on a whiteboard. It’s finding the intersection of your product or services and your customer’s life and then capitalizing on that connection with emotional intelligence.

For example, a well-known vehicle brand made the connection between its core customer base and pets. It’s using that emotional connection with its audience to develop both new and long-term relationships with existing consumers. If your business is still missing that one factor that will drive business, CC&A can help.

Finding YOUR Target Audience

There are several methods for a company to effectively find its most valuable audience, and at CC&A we specialize in finding the right strategy that will work for you. We analyze and sift through big data, understand business values, and look for demographics that may be under or over represented in your current strategy. Our team uses psychology, art, and science to help you improve your business goals today and the years to come.

Reach Out to CC&A to Learn More About Targeting an Audience

We offer a complete range of marketing services; targeting your audience is only the beginning. Contact our team today to learn more about how we can develop an enhanced strategy for your business that yields real, measurable results.

Marketing Analysis

marketing analysis

Marketing analysis is a key service that should be offered by any marketing firm. Without consistent analysis, there’s no basis for measurement and no way to determine the true value of a campaign. At CC&A, marketing analysis is part of our enhanced strategy group of services. Our offerings can help you quickly and clearly understand:

  • Where your brand and organization stands in the market today
  • Industry trends that could affect your business/marketing approach
  • Your business’s potential for growth
  • How much or how little you’ll need to change your current trajectory to see meaningful ROI (return on investment)

Marketing Analysis to Help You Get Started

Many marketing companies offer marketing analysis, but often all they deliver is a report from a general marketing monitoring service, which will give you some industry trends and competitor insight, but nothing else. At CC&A, we develop marketing analyses that give you an in-depth look at how your brand fits into the bigger picture so you can easily connect the dots.

A successful marketing analysis at the beginning of a campaign can help us identify audience segments, marketing gaps, and other angles that may not be visible in other, simpler reports. Your CC&A marketing analysis will be a key factor in your overall approach.

CC&A: Marketing Analysis You Can Trust

The techniques, services, and methods we use to help our clients achieve success are the same we use to market our own services. When you partner with CC&A, you can count on having an established, forward-looking team at your back to help you meet your goals. We can help you build the strategy you need to get to the next level. Contact us today for more information.

Competitive Audit

If you don’t know what your competitors are doing better or worse than you right now, you could be missing out on a lucrative opportunity. Businesses can only grow so much by using their internal benchmarks as guidelines. Understanding the competition is one of the most effective ways to gain a foothold in the market and become a preferred brand.

Fine Tune Your Marketing Strategy With a Competitive Audit

You could do your own competitive audit by identifying competitors and acting like a consumer or relying on a marketing platform to deliver a report, but that type of audit will only provide you with limited information. At CC&A, our audits are comprehensive and meaningful. With a competitive audit, your business will:

  • Learn who your true competitors are online and offline
  • Explore competitor performance trends
  • Determine which strategies are being used by competitors
  • Discover competitor marketing approaches that work and those that don’t
  • Identify opportunities you can take advantage of today

Instead of having an employee spend hours compiling the data you need into a usable set, let CC&A provide you with practical information, professional recommendations, and competitor insight in a shortened timeframe.

CC&A Competitive Audits Help You Move Past the Competition

CC&A has been helping clients develop strong, high-performing websites and marketing strategies at an unprecedented level. We look forward to becoming your go-to partner for all your marketing services, including routine competitor audits. Contact us and let us help you discover your business’s potential for success.

Software Development


When it comes to software solutions, one-size-fits-all packages rarely work. Maybe you don’t need all the bells and whistles or you do need a specific application to supplement your current in-house processes. Wherever you have a software need that isn’t being met, we can help you turn that demand into a profit-earning reality.

Since CC&A was founded, we’ve made it our business to provide clients with custom solutions that integrate seamlessly and provide an exceptional user experience. Our commitment to client support has allowed us to develop numerous successful software applications and platforms that are making our clients businesses better and more profitable today.

Custom Software Development for Complex Problems

Take advantage of our technical expertise so you can grow your business with custom software development solutions, including:

  • Integrating current infrastructure with the latest trends in technology
  • Developing software for end-client use, such as a client portal or product tracking solution
  • Creating cloud, mobile, and online applications
  • Developing and optimizing database design and administrative interfaces’

We offer critical support during and after the development phase and transfer software ownership upon project completion. At CC&A, our team of skilled developers understands the importance of software solutions that are scalable, sleek, and supported, allowing us to provide a high level of value to our software development clients.

CC&A Software Development for the Future

Technology is changing at a rapid pace. Is your business software supporting your current processes and goals? Give the team at CC&A a call to discover how software development can transform your business for the future.

Strategy Integration

businessman with digital marketing strategy symbols

The rollout of any new marketing software or strategy comes with its own set of challenges. Transitioning your focus as an organization and getting employees to adopt new practices could be the most difficult part of investing in a new strategy. At CC&A, we understand the unique set of challenges new strategies can present, which is why we offer comprehensive strategy integration services.

Top-Down Strategy Integration for Long-Term Success

As digital marketing and consulting professionals, we often hear horror stories about failed strategy integration. A company decides to implement a new software platform or marketing campaign, invests time and money into the solution, and then watches as the follow-through fizzles and falls apart. Successful strategy integration requires a planned, top-down approach. CC&A approaches strategy integration with the following considerations in mind:

  • Who will be responsible for overseeing strategy adoption in-house (always start with full support from company executives)
  • Who will be responsible for implementation in-house
  • Who needs extensive training before the rollout begins
  • How your company’s culture will affect the rollout

Strategy integration looks different from company to company. With extensive experience under our belts, CC&A can help you minimize obstacles and promote strategy adoption.

CC&A Is Committed to Successful Strategy Integration

Whether you’re getting a new website, overhauling your marketing strategy, or developing marketing automation software to streamline processes, a successful integration is vital to long-term, financially driven success. Reach out to our team to learn more about how we ensure successful strategy integration.

Marketing Automation

baltimore skyline

Successful marketing requires myriad routine tasks, from posting on social media to updating database information. These activities are important, but they aren’t strategic, big picture jobs that require human involvement, which is why marketing automation has become so popular. By automating certain routine processes, you can free up time for your team to focus on other strategy-driven and relationship-building activities.

Marketing Automation for Online Platforms

Marketing automation is responsible for everything from retargeted ads on Google searches to making sure you receive that newsletter you signed up for. When implemented in a strategic manner, marketing automation frees up valuable time and can improve brand visibility, convert leads, and maintain existing client relationships.

At CC&A, our marketing automation services include:

  • Lead nurturing. Our marketing automation software does more then simply add a potential lead to a database. We can isolate each individual person that visits your website; create a profile based on how often they visit your site and each piece of content they’ve actively searched for; nurture that lead with personalized and individual email drips; and grade that lead on how likely they are to work with your organization. Our software provides your sales department with information that has never been available before, and when used correctly increases the closing rate substantially.
  • Integrated CRM. Customer Relationship Management platforms often serve as a foundation for marketing automation. A customized CRM can gather and sort incoming website data, update accounting files, manage social media and email marketing audiences, and more.
  • Ad targeting and retargeting. These tactics automatically send customized advertisements to consumers who have shown a previous interest in your products to encourage conversion.
  • Control social media campaigns. Automated social media campaigns allow marketers to plan posts and interactions in advance, schedule them, and post them across multiple platforms at one time.

Marketing Automation From CC&A to Enhance Your Marketing Team

Marketing automation is not stiff or robotic; it’s a tool that enhances the capabilities of even small marketing teams. CC&A can help you find, develop, and implement the right automated processes for your marketing strategy. Reach out to us today to get started.

Measuring Success

measuring digital marketing

Measuring marketing and advertising strategy success allows companies to gauge ROI, make adjustments, and get rid of tactics that aren’t working. However, many companies start strong with a plan for evaluating metrics and let the information fall to the wayside as more urgent daily tasks get in the way. At CC&A, we specialize in making the measurement process fast, relatable, and customized to your business needs.

The Many Ways of Measuring Success

There are many metrics available for measuring campaign and strategy success. There are so many, in fact, that you may not understand which metrics will give you the information you need. For instance, if your goal is to improve customer relations through social media interactions, the number of unique views is one measure of success, but it tells you nothing about the nature of those interactions.

CC&A believes in taking a customized approach to all our enhanced strategy services. We go beyond Google Analytics to deliver meaningful metrics you can use to modify and improve your strategy tactics. We can provide a clear picture that details:

  • Lead scoring and engagement
  • New and recurring online visitors
  • Email campaign interactions
  • Social media trends, engagement, and relevance
  • The distinction between direct, organic, referral, and social traffic
  • Conversions and lead-close ratios

Measuring Long Term Success

With CC&A as your strategy enhancement partner, we can help you understand how short-term activity is affecting your campaign and when a longer-term pattern will be needed for effective guidance. Measure your company’s online success with help from the professionals at CC&A. Reach out to our team any time for more information.

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